the girl effect

Today I found this video-slash-website. I was a bit suspicious of how slick it was and the lack of details about the exact projects and budgets and spending, and eventually I discovered that this is a campaign from the Nike Foundation. I’m personally not comfortable supporting the Nike Foundation, but the facts on the website and the message of the video are solid. And the video is certainly effective.

So I looked for other organizations that are empowering girls in developing nations, and indeed it’s not a new concept. There is the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative, which supports national leaders, and UNICEF has lots of projects to empower girls around the world. In the end, I chose to donate to 60 Million Girls, a Canadian charity that I could donate to through If you live in Canada and haven’t already been to, check it out. There are hundreds of Canadian charities you can donate to through it, including local food banks and shelters, and the Stephen Lewis Foundation, which I also support through print sales.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and donate.

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