mini exhibition + double header derby bout

Most of the women I’ve photographed so far in my derby project have belonged to the Venus Fly Tramps. Except for Greta Garbage and Blister Sister. Greta Garbage belongs to the Vicious Dishes, which is with the same league as the Venus Fly Tramps, and Blister Sister is with the fledgling league in my own town. This is Blister Sister (I don’t think you’ve seen her before).


Last night was the last bout of the season for both the Venus Fly Tramps and the Vicious Dishes – it was a double header. In an effort to see if more derby girls were interested in participating in my project, I decided to host a little mini exhibition in the lobby of the arena. It also gave me a deadline for making prints, and I was keen to see my work in print. Here are some installation shots:







Oh look! There’s Blister Sister standing in front of her picture:

I spent the week obsessing over how to hang unframed prints on the wall surfaces without damaging the prints that when I finally found a solution Saturday morning, I panicked. People would see my work! Large! They might mock me!

Of course, I needn’t have worried. By all accounts, it was a rousing success. It was VERY satisfying to see my work on the walls, I’ve got names of a bunch more women to photograph, and my son had a blast holding court with so many new people.

Here he is looking like a pirate.

He also enjoyed the bout. “I want you to do roller derby!” he said. The only thing that could have made the night better was if the Tramps had won. They played a great game and were even in the lead in the second half, but they lost to one insane jam by the other team. We had to leave before the Vicious Dishes’ game to get the lad to bed, but I heard this morning they won, completing their second undefeated season.