good news and bad news

Ugh. I’ve had two separate illnesses within 7 days of each other, and sadly on my days off. Which means I’ve badly neglected this space. Sorry.

Self-doubt is a funny thing. Every two weeks I go to a discussion/critique group that Trina Koster facilitates, and I leave feeling pretty good about my photography. But during the intervening two weeks of web surfing and shooting, I realize my work sucks and I have a long, long way to go. Then I go to the discussion group and feel good again. Rinse, repeat. Too much self-doubt paralyzes but I suspect there’s a basic amount required to get better at your craft.

Anyways, I clicked over to Deep Sleep Magazine and discovered that they published some pictures from my Lunenburg Parking Meters series for their Alien issue! Which I find VERY exciting. When I submitted them, and even when I was notified they made the shortlist, I didn’t think they’d actually make it through.

The editor’s note mentions “disagreement and controversy about the final selection, with a couple of stories in particular (you will have to guess which) producing violently opposed reactions of the “I love these” / “they suck” variety.” So of course I immediately decide they’re talking MY story. Unfortunately, I’ll never know for sure. Anyways, I’m pleased as punch to have my work included. Thanks, Deep Sleep!

Go check it out.

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