never-before-seen pictures from Cuba

Here are some pictures from our 2008 trip to Cuba that I never uploaded. Not sure why I didn’t upload them, because I’ve always like them, but I don’t think they offered enough of the spectacle at the time. I was also really into heavy post-processing, and these pictures just didn’t work for that. I’m hoping that sometime during nablopomo I will write about how my eye has changed over time, but not tonight. I’m tired, and besides, poor, cancelled Dollhouse is on tonight (I hope). So here you go:

cubab 002

cubab 074

cubab 015

cubab 013

cubab 004

cubab 005

Those are all from Varadero.

This one, which I did upload to flickr, but didn’t put in any galleries here, is from Havana. It remains a favourite of mine, even though the cafe ripped us off for breakfast.
8 am drinking

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