Well lookie there. It’s day one of Nablopomo and we forgot to fall back last night, so I really have an extra hour today to blog.
Last night we went trick or treating, and it was really nice. My son had a few people he wanted to see, and I wanted to make sure to see the people I’ve been photographing so I could introduce them to my son. Last year, my son wasn’t particularly interested in trick-or-treating, and it felt a bit awkward knocking on a whole bunch of doors that belonged to people I had no clue about. But since I’ve been photographing some of them, I’m really feeling more connected to people. I watch Bob’s tree, which is still holding onto most of its leaves, and worry that he’ll have to rake them himself. One night I walked by Joan’s house and saw a single light on in the basement where she watches tv and thought about the rest of the dark house surrounding her.
Leona, one of the neighbours I’ve been photographing, even dressed up (and yes, I brought my camera trick or treating, just in case):
(I’ll post some of the other pictures of Leona and her husband Ron another time.)
Last week I saw a whole bunch of cars at Bob and Gladys’s house, and I was suddenly worried that something bad had happened to one of them. I phoned the next day to make a time to photograph them again, but it was really just an excuse to make sure they were both ok. Bob ended up cancelling our session for a medical appointment, and when we trick-or-treated there last night, he limped to the door. He said his leg was all swollen, and he’d been for x-rays but they didn’t yet know what the problem was. He was camped out by the door, because otherwise it would be too hard for him to go back and forth from the family room in the back to the door. He was missing the ball game. He gave out apples, and when we got home with a full basket of candy, it was the apple that my son was most excited about. If I didn’t know Bob, I probably would have been worried about my son eating it, but since I do know Bob, I was just pleased that my kid was more excited about an apple than candy. I also know Bob has fruit trees in his backyard so the apples could even be homegrown, although I can’t remember if they’re actually apple trees or something else.
My son dressed up as a witch.
It was a good thing I took pictures last weekend when we first got his costume, because he pretty much refused all pictures on the actual day (well, days plural – Friday was the big day at daycare). This is him on Friday morning, running away from the camera and yelling No Pictures!
As usual, my husband carved the pumpkin.
My son got his own little pumpkin when his daycare took a field trip (literally) to a local pumpkin patch. My husband carved it.
So that’s it for Halloween. In totally unrelated news, I think I’m coming down with a cold. Tune in tomorrow to find out for sure.