a story

Here is a story my son just told me.

One time, a long, long time ago, I was lonely in my carseat. And I saw a light come down to the ground and the car got hooked up to the light, and I called, “MOMMY! DADDY!” because I was SOOOO lonely. I never want that to happen again.

(Do I need to clarify that this has never happened to him? Once when he refused to let me undo his carseat straps and refused to get out of the car, I left him in it while I unloaded groceries, but that was it.)

Now here is a picture that has nothing to do with that.


I’ve been walking by that trailer every day for probably two months. The other day I noticed a pregnancy test laying on the ground next to it. I tried to see whether it was positive or negative, but that part had fallen out I guess. Whatever the result, I couldn’t help but wonder if they made the woman who peed on that stick happy or sad. And where it came; I couldn’t see any other spilled garbage nearby, and it seems too big to be blown from away. Oh well… just another of life’s great mysteries I guess.

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