
On Remembrance Day, I forgot to take the car keys out of my pocket before walking to work. For the third time in a week. These are the keys my husband uses to start the car that takes him to work 45 minutes away. For the third time in a week. I have never before done such an absentminded thing, let alone three times in a week. That is usually the domain of my husband.

In related news, my kid has woken me up every night for a few hours each night for the last four nights. Three of them were due to peeing accidents, his first since he stopped wearing pull-ups to bed a few weeks ago. Tonight he is back in a pull-up, and I told him if he wakes up tonight he mustn’t wake me up. Somehow I doubt he will listen. Regardless, I am exhausted.

And speaking of my kid, here are some of scenes he’s created that I’ve recently come upon.




I was so struck by his sense of geometry that I took an aerial view too:

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