3 new blogs

Here are 3 new blogs I read that have nothing to do with photography:

1. Mouse-traps and the Moon – my dear friend Sue writes about children’s literature here, and I love her approach. It’s also a great way to get book recommendations for my son.

2. The Slow Food Experiment – Veronica Mitchell started a new blog when she and her husband began a daunting slow food experiment: they only buy single-ingredient foods. Before I started reading, I thought we were doing pretty well with cooking real food, but I’m realizing we have a whole lotta blind spots.

3. Ottawa from the down side up – Junkie-Monkey is an active drug user (although he’s just fallen in love and been clean for 6 days). I’ve seen lots of photographs of drug users, but I haven’t often heard directly from a user in a public forum like this.


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